Wes Helm in Reform Austin: Texas Faith Leaders, Count Every Vote

Religious leaders from across Texas are encouraging voters to keep the faith in the U.S. election system and allow for the counting of every legal ballot. Put another way: Trust in the country’s institutions and in each other. …

As a community organizer for Faith in Texas, a nonpartisan, interfaith political action group, Rev. Wes Helm has had a front-row seat to the voting process throughout Dallas, where he is based.

“Our faith leaders that I work with, the community members I work with, everyone feels really confident in the integrity of the election, particularly because we’ve been on the ground, working with election officials, and active in the process,” he said. Now the most important thing, he says, is “to maintain faith in democracy and in one another” and let the counting continue.

Excerpted from Reform Austin. Read the full article here.

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