Justice Seeker of the Year: Julio Acosta

Our newest organizer, Julio Acosta, was recently honored with the Justice Seeker of the Year award by the Dallas Peace and Justice Center (DPJC), and we could not be more proud!

DPJC advocates for peace and nonviolence; the recognition of human and civil rights and justice for all; and the pursuit of ecological and climate justice. Their mission is to promote a just and peaceful world through education, dialogue, reconciliation, advocacy and constructive action.

Earlier this year, Julio traveled with DPJC to Washington, D.C. to attend the 2018 Spring Lobby Weekend hosted by the Friends Committee on National Legislation. There he learned best practices for lobbying which he used to lobby his representatives on immigration issues.

In addition to his work with Faith in Texas, Julio is the founder of the grassroots platforms DFW Leaders and the Global Leaders Initiative, which he designed to identify, connect, and support changemakers around the region and the world. He is also secretary for District 3 of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and a member of the Neighborhood Advisory Committee of the City of Carrollton, where he has lived since the age of 2 when his family relocated from Mexico.

Julio and other award recipients were celebrated at the DPJC’s annual Peacemaker Awards Banquet–a time for fellow advocates, peacemakers, and justice seekers in North Texas to come together and lift up the phenomenal work being done by local leaders.

We look forward to seeing many more great accomplishments in Julio’s future. Please join us in extending our most enthusiastic congratulations!


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